Post-Graduated Study, University of Lower Silesia, Institute of Continuing Education and Educational Studies
Ph.D. Thesis Defense, University of Wroc³aw, Institute of Experimental Physics
Ph.D. Study, University of Wroc³aw, Institute of Experimental Physics
M.Sc. Thesis Defense, University of Wroc³aw, Institute of Experimental Physics
M.Sc. Study, University of Amsterdam, AMSTEL Institute
M.Sc. Study, University of Wroc³aw, Institute of Experimental Physics
English Study, Lakehead Adult Education Center, Thunder Bay, Canada
M.Sc. Study, University of Wroc³aw, Institute of Experimental Physics
Technical High School, ZSE im. H. D±browskiego, Wroc³aw
Primary School, SP no. 2, Jelcz-Laskowice
University of Lower Silesia, School of Key Competences
University of Wroc³aw, Institute of Experimental Physics, Division of Physics Teaching
University of Wroc³aw, Institute of Theoretical Physics
Districted School Union, ul. Parkowa 8, 55-120 Oborniki ¦l±skie
University of Information Technology and Management COPERNICUS, ul. Inowroc³awska 56, 53-648 Wroc³aw
Public Gymnasium in Kryniczno, ul. Szkolna 6, 55-114 Wisznia Ma³a